Piedmont Middle School Parents' Club

The Piedmont Middle School (PMS) Parents' Club is offering a second opportunity to purchase decorative tiles expanding the Legacy Wall that has just been installed on the side of the Learnscape Lunchpark. Proceeds from the tiles support expansion of the lunchpark, providing more green space for our children. Proceeds will also be used to improve other areas of the campus and support student activities. The tiles themselves enhance the beauty of the Learnscape area of campus and will provide parents and supporters an opportunity to commemorate their child's time at the school.

If you have any questions, please contact PMS Fundraising Coordinator, Abby Scott at abbyscott11@gmail.com

Piedmont Middle School Parents' Club





All text is case sensitive and centered automatically on your order. Please use the spaces provided below for your message and note that characters include letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
$150 - 4x8 Brick Text Only
3 lines of text, 20 characters per line (including spaces and punctuation)

Line 1

Line 2

Line 3

If you would like more than one order with the same verbiage, simply click on the add to cart button multiple times. If you would like to place a separate order, clear text, add new verbiage and click add to cart button.

All text is case sensitive and centered automatically on your order. Please use the spaces provided below for your message and note that characters include letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
$250 - 8x8 Brick Text Only
6 lines of text, 20 characters per line (including spaces and punctuation)

Line 1

Line 2

Line 3

Line 4

Line 5

Line 6

If you would like more than one order with the same verbiage, simply click on the add to cart button multiple times. If you would like to place a separate order, clear text, add new verbiage and click add to cart button.

If you do not want to purchase a brick but still want to donate to the Piedmont Middle School Parents' Club, you can do it here.

Piedmont Middle School Parents' Club reserves the right of refusal of any order found to be inappropriate or in violation of Piedmont Middle School Parents' Club policies, directives or guidelines.

Federal Tax ID #94-2960998. Your donation may be tax deductible - check with your tax advisor.