  Eminence Independent Schools has decided to celebrate the opening of our new gymnasium with a chance to accomplish two goals by creating a commerative brick pathway just outside the new main entrance to the gym. The first goal is to allow our community, alumni, current students, and staff to be a part of this historic event by donating a custom, personalized brick to be placed forever. The bricks can be donated in memory of loved ones, alumni, or yourself/family. The second goal is to raise money for our athletic programs. The COVID19 pandemic has hit our sports programs very hard due to limited crowds and increased expenses. All donations will be directed to our general athletic budget. If you prefer to pay by check, please use the following Order Form If you have any questions, please contact: Buddy Berry buddy.berry@eminence.kyschools.us

Step 1 of 2

  • 4x8 Brick Text Only - $45

  • 8x8 Brick Text Only - $100