  fpcc-picture2 During the At Home Mission Trip this summer, our youth will work on getting the outdoor chapel area revitalized and begin installing a memorial brick walkway. What better way to honor and remember our loved ones than having their name forever etched in a memorial walkway at our amazing church home. For a minimum donation of $100 you can design a brick in honor or memory of a loved one. You can also order a mini replica brick for and additional $25. Choose from two options to honor or memory of a loved one or a family name to be placed in the Memorial Walkway near the Outdoor Chapel. If you have any questions, please contact: Dena Sowden 936-255-2096 dsowden@fpcconroe.org

Step 1 of 2

  • 4x8 Brick Text Only - $100

  • 4x8 Brick with Clipart - $100

    View Clipart Options