Building Better Bridges
Approaching the end of 2020, we are blessed to be standing at the footsteps of opening the long-awaited Mount Moriah Family Life Center. If God permits, construction will be completed within the next few months. This Family Life Center will house our administrative offices but more importantly it creates new means to impact the lives of so many within the communities we serve.
We’ve come a long way since 2011 when we kicked off our initial capital campaign during a very dismal national economy. Yet, in faith we stepped forward and persevered. We are grateful for your ever-present support and His guiding hands that have straightened the crooked paths along our journey.
Today’s brick fundraiser is an opportunity and request for you to partner with us again to bring our shared vision into a reality. This Christmas, won’t you please consider a gift of one or more bricks to commemorate your generosity or the lasting memory of a loved one? These personalized and engraved bricks will be tastefully set along the building’s pathways as a permanent reminder of our willingness to respond when called.
If you prefer to pay by check, please use the following Order Form