Bring the Gold Star Family Memorial Monument to Fort Bragg, NC If you have any questions, please contact: Mr. Kevin Ashton 910-364-9009 Step 1 of 2 0% 4x8 Brick Text Only - $100Line One - 4x8 Brick Text OnlyLine Two - 4x8 Brick Text OnlyLine Three - 4x8 Brick Text Only 4x8 Brick with Clipart (Left) - $100 View Clipart OptionsClipart - 4x8 Brick with Clipart (Left)Line One - 4x8 Brick with Clipart (Left)Line Two - 4x8 Brick with Clipart (Left)Line Three - 4x8 Brick with Clipart (Left) 4x8 Brick with Custom Logo - $200 Digital image files should be sent as ai, eps, psd, pdf, tiff or jpeg files. All images should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and should be provided in black and white.Send images to: Kevinincookeville@gmail.com4x8 Brick with Custom Logo - To Order, Type "Yes" 8x8 Brick Text Only - $200Line One - 8x8 Brick Text OnlyLine Two - 8x8 Brick Text OnlyLine Three - 8x8 Brick Text OnlyLine Four - 8x8 Brick Text OnlyLine Five - 8x8 Brick Text OnlyLine Six - 8x8 Brick Text Only 8x8 Brick with Clipart - $200 View Clipart OptionsClipart - 8x8 Brick with ClipartLine One - 8x8 Brick with ClipartLine Two - 8x8 Brick with ClipartLine Three - 8x8 Brick with ClipartLine Four - 8x8 Brick with Clipart Personal InformationName* Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.Prof.Rev. Title First Name Last Name CompanyAddress* Street Address City State ZIP / Postal Code Telephone*Email* Δ