skyline-imageSkyline United Methodist Church has renewed our commitment to build a beautiful memorial walk and patio! The committee has selected an area on our property close to Skyline Dr, so that this can serve both our church and community as a peaceful place to honor and remember loved ones. The proposed patio will become a wonderful community amenity!   Buy-A-Brick: Skyline invites you to be part of a very special commemorative opportunity. Personalized, engraved bricks are a great way to honor a special person, family member or group; to commemorate a special occasion, to feature your business or organization, or to be used in memoriam. Your individualized brick will be engraved with your selected name, phrase or scripture and will become a lasting tribute. When you Buy-A-Brick you leave your “mark” on Skyline in a unique way by having an engraved brick. You can select a logo from the clipart library at no additional cost, or custom logo for an additional cost. Major donations will be recognized separately in a special designated area along with an engraved brick also. If you prefer to pay by check, please use the following Order Form *Inappropriate/discriminatory language will not be engraved on your brick.

Step 1 of 2

  • 4x8 Brick Text Only - $100

  • 4x8 Brick with Clipart (Left) - $100

    View Clipart Options
  • 4x8 Brick with Clipart (Top) - $100

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