  We are so excited and proud to share with you our latest, bold action to drastically reduce the number of missing, exploited, and sex-trafficked children in the U.S.! On September 9, 2020 the Brian Callies Foundation and Saving Lost Kids began plans to create the largest, long-term, care & restoration facility in the U.S. for children who have been recovered from child sex-trafficking. It is planned to be a 75-100 acre, 18 building facility that will provide complete, on-site, wrap-around services for recovered girls, minors through age 19, who have been exploited through child sex-trafficking. These bricks will be installed in the new restoration facility and be a symbol of a pathway to hope, love and safety. If you prefer to pay by check, please use the following Order Form If you have any questions, please contact: Bryan Watson 901-596-3496 bkwatson@savinglostkids.org

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