Help us make the Deering Meditation and Memory Garden (MMG) a reality. Your purchase of a brick will add much needed funds to what is required to complete this meaningful addition to the Deering Town Center. Your brick can be inscribed in memory of someone dear to you who has passed away, or in honor of someone special to you- how about your grandchild’s graduation? Or you could mark a special milestone- 50th wedding anniversary? These bricks will be installed in the walkway leading up to the MMG where you may sit and reflect and remember in a peaceful natural setting, and will be a permanent recognition of your generosity, as well as a remembrance of someone dear to you.
While it will be on the property of the Deering Community Church, the Meditation and Memory Garden is open to all. No church affiliation is required, and in keeping with our intention to be welcoming to all, the MMG will be maintained as a non-sectarian space, with no religious symbols permitted. For those wishing to scatter ashes in the garden, there will be a permanent marker listing the names of those whose ashes are interred in the garden. This will be at the direction of the MMG Committee of the Deering Community Church and the memorial bricks will not be used for this purpose.
Further information is available on our website, www.deeringcommunitychurch.org. The church office may be contacted by phone 603-464-5643 or email deeringchurch@mcttelecom.com .