Northern Neck Partners for Pets was established to provide humane care, medical treatment, and a no-kill animal shelter and adoption center for all companion animals needing protection in Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond, and Westmoreland counties -- the four counties of the Virginia’s Northern Neck.
Our county shelters have limited budgets and space. Often, if an adoption or transfer cannot be secured within a brief time, an animal faces euthanasia. This is where NNPP comes in. Once fully established, we will be able to offer a large no-kill animal shelter and adoption center on a beautiful 35.8 acre tract we own at 790 Devils Bottom Road in Lancaster, VA. Construction is already underway to build an events pavilion, followed by the shelter building.
As part of our fund-raising efforts, we are offering a special opportunity for you to show your support by purchasing a commemorative brick. A donation of $250 or $500 entitles you to remember a beloved pet, a friend or relative, or to promote your business.
If you prefer to pay by check, please use the following Order Form
If you have any questions, please contact:
Michelle Lybarger
(804) 761-9071