Artwork layout for free clipart -
ALL IMAGES EXCEPT FOR SEALS and BADGES: 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 5C, 5SB, 8SB, 9SB, 12SB, 13SB, 14SB, 15SB 16SB, and 17SB.
Number of characters is 20 per line, including spaces and punctuation. Logo height equals 1 ½ inches. Clipart can also be placed on top, middle or bottom line if preferred.

Artwork layout for free clipart -
ALL IMAGES EXCEPT FOR: 2SB, 7SB, 9AN, 10A, 13B and 15SP.
Number of characters is 12 per line, including spaces and punctuation. Logo height equals 2 inches.

Artwork layout for free clipart -
ALL IMAGES APPLY TO THIS LAYOUT. All images can be used and are positioned at the bottom or top of the brick.
Number of characters is 20 per line, including spaces and punctuation. Logo height equals 2 inches.

Artwork layout for free clipart -
ALL IMAGES EXCEPT FOR SEALS and BADGES: 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 5C, 5SB, 8SB, 9SB, 12SB, 13SB, 14SB, 15SB 16SB, and 17SB.
Number of characters is 14 per line, including spaces and punctuation. Logo height equals 1 ½ inches.
12X12 LAYOUT #5*

Number of characters is 20 per line horizontal and 8 characters per line vertical, including spaces and punctuation. Custom logo height equals 3 ½ inches on the 4x4. Layout consists of: (1) 4x4, (2) 4x8, (1) 8x8
*Brick Products Only